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Great interview! I can hardly wait for BlogHer!

Elkit, thank you! And right back at you -- BlogHer '09 is going to be a blast.

Yikes, Lisa, thank you.

I really try hard to get a sense of the person I'm interviewing, and tailor my questions toward the audience, too (for Mommy Track'd, it's getting a handle on the mom-work-kids balance thing). We're so much more than our jobs, and nothing's more frustrating than getting well-scripted answers that people can read anywhere; why bother?

And I watched Ms. Ettus' interview with you first (uh, is that cheating?)

Of course, having someone who's open and honest and engaging makes it all so easy, and that's what you did. I appreciate that, and I know Mommy Track'd readers will benefit from that. So, really, thank you!

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