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I completely agree. As I was telling a lot of nonbloggers at work today about the conference, they kept saying, "And they were all women?" When I mentioned the keynote speakers, there were a few dropped jaws. My own husband was surprised Saturn was there with seven cars.

Whether or not the world was ready, the women bloggers are here. It takes a village to raise a child, and it seems that it takes a network to prove a point. By banding together, even if we aren't all mothers or don't all share genre-blogging interests, we're gaining the blogosphere's attention. I think it's fabulous that more than 700 disparate women could feel solidarity, if even for one night. I was very proud of us.

That's Grace's sister Terri on the right.

But that's not why I stopped by here. I came by to say thank you and tell you how much in awe of you I am for starting and running BlogHer.

Elkit, thank *you* for coming - I loved your contribution to our writing session. I am so glad you live close by so that I can see you at BlogHer functions around the year.

Rita--as I so often find myself writing in response to you--amen. Thank you for embracing the whole of us, the wild teeming mass of disparate opinions that made up our sessions and our discussions. It meant so much to me to meet. I hope to get more of a change to talk next summer, when we're in your backyard?

Lisa - Congrats! I must admit I had a few wobbly moments when I learned that 200 (attendees)had morphed to 700+ and wondered if intimacy and "blogginess" of BlogHer 2005 could be maintained. The magic was there .. most definitely!

lisa - i wish i would have been able to talk to you. i was so busy with the filming that i didn't get to go to all the panels that i wanted but it was obvious every time i walked through an ocean of women, just how much they were all enjoying themselves. i think that bringing 700+ strong, intelligent and beautiful women together has so much potential for good and amazing things. i'm so glad you and the other founders decided to do this. i cant wait to see how it grows year to year.

Toby, I'm so glad you think so! Thank you again for your work with Nancy to organize the Birds of a Feather meetups. That's one that I think we can serve in advance with the site next year, don't you?

Leahpeah, the one and only! I heard fantastic things about your interviews -- thank you for raising the profiles of so many women. Will you please come back here and update us when you pieces go live? Bring on the viewer's guide, woman!

Sounds like I missed an amazing event...If I could have re-arranged my trip, I would have-- I was out of the country. SV Mom's Blog was well represented at Blogher, and from all the posts sounds like I truly missed out. Hope to catch up with you. Thanks for all that you do for women bloggers.


I missed the conference and Huffington's comments, so I am probably just repeating stuff that someone else has covered, but it has been my experience that whenever someone or some entity emerges into a leadership role (and I mean leadership in terms of providing direction and taking initiative, not necessarily being "in charge" of anything), that same someone or entity will invariably catch a lot of shit. It took me a while to realize that the shit slinging didn't necessarily mean the initiative wasn't wanted or needed--it just comes with being on the frontline. It sounds to me like you all have done an amazing job in a short time. Keep up the great work!

Thank you k! I've got my ears open and my notepad out, so when you have more feedback I welcome it. A URL to anything you've written is invited too. :)

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  • Gail Sheehy
    "Women's liberation is not the end...it is the beginning of a lot of work. There is a whole world out there that needs to be totally transformed so that women and men can create, desire, build and play..."
  • Isabel Allende
    "The primary sex organ is the brain."