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Toni Schneider is not a woman. Here's his website:


Hi Lisa, I spell my name with an 'i' which made you think I'm a female speaker on the list. Alas, I'm a guy (who grew up in Switzerland where Tonys are Tonis), so there are even fewer women in the line up than you thought...

Toni, Matt, thank you very much for the correction.

I'm having trouble with this post in Typepad - the program won't accept my editor's correction at the top or fixing the table, argh. I will work to update this post tonight from home. Thanks for your patience, Toni.

TypePad is probably behaving properly in the face of 412 validation errors and the nastiest tag soup I've seen all year. Just what is the <place> element?

Try improving your HTML to something in the same space-time continuum as valid code and things will probably work better.

>Try improving your HTML to something in the same space-time continuum as valid code and things will probably work better.

Joe, I can tell you're new to my blog, so I'll clarify for you and anyone else who doesn't know the following: I've never made a secret of the fact that while I am expert at some things, HTML is not one of them! I'm learning as I go. That's why I chose Typepad as my blog hosting service. I'm happy with it.

And we now have significant evidence that blogging while not knowing HTML and being happy with TypePad is a combination that is no longer supportable. Your (and its) invalid HTML is apparently preventing you from actually editing your own work.

We must gain mastery of our basic tools. You could read Molly Holzschlag's _Spring into HTML and CSS_ to learn standard HTML. Yes, she's a woman.

There you go Toni - the fix is in. Thanks for your patience.

Thank you for doing this, Lisa! This could be the speaker list for almost any technology-related conference I have ever attended. The only exception is conferences about nonprofit technology since that low-wage sector is populated mostly by women.

Still, it pisses me off that anyone still requires justification for something like BlogHerCon.

A.) Sexism is rampant.

B.) Even if it wasn't, why shouldn't women and their friends get together and talk about issues of concern to us?


Hey Joe, what's your problem? If you are so offended by Lisa's code, go read someone else's blog!

I'm not "offended" by anything. And "if you don't like it, buzz off" is hardly consistent with the blog ethos.

Joe, your blog ethos seems to include determining the standard by which all blogs are acceptable or not. Communicating the information on this page is what is important, and I would go farther an say it's the most important thing a blog does. The state of the code is a result of lousy tools. Unless your particular brand of blog ethos, also, dictates that only web developers should blog. That would be kinda silly wouldn't it?

If you're looking for someone to criticize about the state of code, you should look up those developers who build the tools. It's a matter of priorities and misplaced frustration, unless you're offering to fix the problem you've identified. Is that what you meant to do? Or were you just throwing rocks?

It's all about control, ladies and gents. Who defines and who decides. Blogging is that not different than any other communication activity.

That list illustrates your point perfectly.

I cannot tell you how excited I am to be participating at BlogHer. Thank you (and the rest of the Board) for making this happen.

About time someone pointed this out publicly. It's been the same ole same ole every year since the AO conference began.

Lisa specifically blamed TypePad for her inability to express herself in the form of an HTML table ("I'm having trouble with this post in Typepad-- the program won't accept my editor's correction at the top or fixing the table"). TypePad shouldn't be inserting invalid HTML, *and* Lisa should have enough mastery of her tools-- including HTML-- to paste in correct HTML. (The sequence {table}{tr}{td}{/td}{/tr}{/table} is not complicated. A woman who is a leader in Web standards has written extensive documentation and teaching materials that Lisa could use.)

There are two problems here, as I've identified. Hence, Mobile Jones, "[c]ommunicating the information on this page" was impaired in this case-- impossible, in fact.

And criticizing developers who build the code? Try Googling the phrase "Calling bullshit on Six Apart." I don't work in Web standards and accessibility for nothing.

Joe, I disagree. I think my comments above speak for themselves. Whatever. Let's move along.

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  • Gail Sheehy
    "Women's liberation is not the end...it is the beginning of a lot of work. There is a whole world out there that needs to be totally transformed so that women and men can create, desire, build and play..."
  • Isabel Allende
    "The primary sex organ is the brain."