Where are the women bloggers? They're right here...
A conference for women bloggers is scheduled for Saturday, July 30 at TechMart in Santa Clara, California.
It's been a crazy month since we all started blogging this idea. I never anticipated how many terrific people would want to get this thing off the ground. Thanks for the encouragement--now here comes the work, individually and together.
Here's the game plan to get you here: BlogHer.org, where you can register and read and contribute to the BlogHer mission, schedule, discussion and general hilarity.
As you can see, we've built a list of advisors into the site. You're on that list too -- you just don't know it yet <grin>. Please consider signing up for a Bloghership -- a FREE pass to the conference in exchange for live-blogging a session so that women who can't make it to Santa Clara can join-in from anywhere. Please also note: Special attention is being given to live-blogging in languages other than English. If you can live-blog a session in fluent Spanish, Mandarin, Urdu, <insert language here>, we really want to talk with you.
Questions? Comments? Recommendations? Dinner? Great--email me or join me here.
Related posts:
Technorati: Bloghercon, women, blogging, blogs
del.icio.us: bloghercon, women, blogging
Lisa, I was thinking you guys might want to get somebody to do up a little Blogher button for sidebars so we can all advertise the conference in our blogs. You'd host the gif on the Blogher server for us to download and maybe provide the code to put it up on a blogroll. I had tried to hack one up using the Blogher banner but it didn't work. I see you've got a gif on this post which I might steal and put up on my own site to link to the conference ;-) but in the meantime, maybe your webmaster/mistress might be able to throw something together. They just have to save the banner in a small enough size to fit nicely on a sidebar with a little text and make sure there's a plug for it on the side bar ("Spread the word about Blogher on your blog"... that directs people to the "How To" put the badge up on their site or blog.
Posted by: Mel | April 21, 2005 at 10:07 AM
Lisa, I was thinking, too, that a blogroll of all the women signed up for the conference would be good. We had that for our NC Bloggercon earlier this year, and it proved a mighty fine resource. We could get to know each other a little more before we arrive on scene. Any way to do this?
I think we're buying our plane tix on Monday. Yaay!
Posted by: ae | May 07, 2005 at 10:00 PM
ae, that's great news that you'll be there.
Totally agree re: the blogheroll. We need a list of everyone attending. I am up working on our CivicSpaces site and will keep the community posted via how we can accomplish that once this baby is humming...
Posted by: Lisa Stone | May 08, 2005 at 06:32 AM