Love Scott Rafer's post here saying that real men like to be outnumbered and challenging other guys to sign up for BlogHer.
OK, so that was kind of the point of this post I wrote on my Worker Bees blog last month, but Scott perhaps shows a teensy bit more humor with his approach.
I like it.
And I can't seem to comment on his blog, so I thought I'd say so here.
And now that I've got Scott's attention, I thought I'd also add that I don't like blogs where you have to go through some rigmarole to be able to comment. :)
Oh, and PS-the list he's using is only the list for the Friday dinner, not the registrant list, so it's only fair to say there are a few more men signed up that aren't coming to dinner Friday night...although why they would miss it is anybody's guess! It is fair, however, to say that male registration is so far hanging out at around 10%. Come on dudes!
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