After some participants had to withdraw somewhat last minute, Hugh from SXSW Interactive asked BlogHer if we would like to help him rescue a panel that seemed right up our alley.
Given that the panel is entitled "Increasing Women's Visibility Online: Whose Butt Should We Be Kicking?", how could we refuse!? We are excited about it because it is definitely going to be right up there with the other four panels BlogHer is co-producing...and featured some kick-ass women with a variety of viewpoints on the subject of women's visibility. Here are the deets:
BlogHer/SXSW Session #5: Increasing Women's Visibility on the Web: Whose Butt Should We Be Kicking?
Sunday March 12th 11:30-12:30
Where are the women online? Stop asking "where are the women?" and think bigger: Why don't women have a public profile equal to their contributions? And whose fault is it? To answer this question, BlogHer has recruited women who perceive the issue in very different ways...and therefore propose very different solutions.
Join Ayse Enginer in conversation with Liz Henry, Tara Hunt, Virginia Debolt and Jan Kabili, and the 5th panelist: the BlogHer audience.