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Sour Duck

Fantastic! Will be there with bells on...


Great news, gals! Wish I could be there to join you!


Oy! Wish I could be there.

Lisa Stone

Jenny! What kind of fancy cocktail should I drink in honor of a Carmen Miranda such as yourself?

Lisa Stone

ArseP, thank you! Perhaps we can toast together in the future...? Hint...

Halley Suitt

I'll be there ... I'm driving from Boston ... well, not exactly!

And girls, I need your help. I'll be writing about sex and relationships for the BlogHer blog and I need all your stories.


Raise a glass towards the eastern horizon for me and have fun!

I'll point my Cote du Rhone twoards the west, promise.

Lisa Stone


Class V

At 5:00 PM CST Monday, I will toast you all. Or as we say down here, y'all!

Lisa Stone


Elke Sisco

Planning to be there, looking forward to meet you all.

Lisa Stone

Right on! Looking forward to meeting you.


Hope to see you all there!


See you at the meetup! Yowza.


Wish I could be with you...drink an appletini or two for me. Congrats!


I'll be there!!


I'll raise a glass to you all! Congrats! What a great start to the lunar new year!

Lisa Stone

Beth, right back at you! Thank you so much for all the work you're doing to cover nonprofits and NGOs. Best~L

Lisa Stone

Yay, Elise, Liz - I get to thank you in person! ~L

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