We don't want to just call people on it when they're consciously or unconsciously perpetuating the propagation of a homegenous perspective that doesn't reflect the real diversity of thought out there in the blogosphere and in the world.
Oh no.
We also want to give credit where it is due when someone figures out that they need to broaden their view...and then goes ahead and does it.
Take this example, courtesy of BlogHer Debi Jones:
Rudy recognized that of the bloggers with a mobile focus he knew about few were women. His response unlike all other discussions of women in blogging, podcasting or technology was unique especially as compared to the Kevin Drum "where are the women bloggers?" article or the ill-informed and unresearched Wired article titled "Women warming the bench in Podcasting." Instead of merely pointing out his lack of awareness and concluding that women aren't involved, Rudy set out to educate himself and others by discovering women in mobile and asked for assistance from others to accomplish his goal. The result is a resource for men and women, an opportunity for visibility and discovery of some amazing women who are discussing all things mobile from their point of view. Brava!
Check out the results: this week's Carnival of the Mobilists, hosted by mobilejones.
I think Debi did an excellent job at bringing in some of the posts from the Women out there in Mobile World!!
Posted by: Darla | December 10, 2005 at 08:03 AM
Oh I forgot to ask... may I be added to your Blogher roll? Thank you :)
Posted by: Darla | December 10, 2005 at 08:06 AM
Welcome Darla! You are added.
Posted by: Elisa Camahort | December 10, 2005 at 08:31 AM
Thank you Elisa!
Posted by: Darla | December 10, 2005 at 09:10 AM
Forgive me for posting unrelated here, but I've noticed that it seems like people who've added the Blogher Blogroll to their site recently, or perhaps since a little after Blogher '05, are showing up in my Technorati page as having linked to me. Now obviously, if that was true across the board, we would all have much higher Technorati rankings! I'm wondering if it's a change in how the blogroll is added to a site, or some change at Technorati, and I'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed this?
Posted by: Liz | December 16, 2005 at 03:46 PM
Liz: I was told that Technorati ignores blog rolls created by Bloglines as ours is (which sucks as far as I'm concerned.)
Still, I noticed today that I was seeing BlogHerRoll links to me from this blog: http://blogs.worldwit.org/job-jungle/
But that is one of only a couple of blogs that the blogherroll seems to be picked up by Technorati from (http://www.recoveryvehicle.us/blog/ is another). There are even other WorlWIT blogs that have the blogherroll on it, but don't get picked up by T'rati.
Big prize top the person that can figure that out!
Posted by: Elisa Camahort | December 16, 2005 at 04:40 PM
Many thanks for creating this blog site. this is really helpful for me and my friends!
Posted by: http://www.worldbusinessforsale.com/ | December 28, 2005 at 12:51 PM
Yes, that is one of the few I noticed - wonder what they're doing differently. Guess I'll email and ask at some point! :)
Posted by: Liz | January 03, 2006 at 03:43 PM