Certain topics never die. Since bloggers are pretty much by definition wordsmiths you know that language and word choice and the impact of specific words is going to come up again and again.
During my holiday reading I came across a sudden increase in posts examining the power of a single word.
Take word #1: MommyBlogging
Tracey from Sweetney.com has started a conversation that just won't quit about the term. For every woman who finds it belittling or sees derision buried in the use of the term, another woman pipes up to reclaim it and empower it and celebrate it.
If we decide to eschew the word, are we giving credence to whoever those people are who use the term to marginalize? Are we giving jerks too much power?
On the other hand, is it going too far to talk about "reclaiming" the word, as though it were as offensive an epithet as similar "reclaimed" terms used by members of the African American community or gay community, for example? I mean I called my mother "Mommy" until way too old...I have trouble thinking of it as a hurtful term!
And let's not ignore the fact that businesses and advertisers are sitting up and taking notice of the MommyBlogging phenomenon in a big way...sponsoring podcasts and blogs and trying to reach out to the whole crowd. You've certainly got their attention, no doubt about that.
When we sent out the post-BlogHer survey we had a section to self-categorize your blogs. We used the category "Family" to be, I suppose, sensitive to this issue. A not-insignifcant number of you said, "Hey...how could you forget the MommyBloggers?" And you categorized yourself as "Other"!!
So, can't we simply say "to each their own", or is this a line that must be drawn? I'm not a Mommy. I have no answers. I'm just fascinated by the conversation.
And there's more...
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