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hey...did you guys see my www.nerdtv.net interview? first woman ever on nerd tv and first person ever to speak about cellular technology...


hey...did you guys see my www.nerdtv.net interview? first woman ever on nerd tv and first person ever to speak about cellular technology...

Lisa Stone

Hi Anina - I see that Beth Kanter has a terrific post and a link about this: http://beth.typepad.com/beths_blog/2005/11/female_nerd_myt.html. Thanks for the heads up.

Sour Duck

A fine group of peeps. I'm sure they'll ensure a diverse and stimulating two-day event!


Great list, although it would be nice to see one of the many women from the mobile world added. Seems every other vertical in blogging is covered by this stellar list other than mobile. There are plenty of women blogging with a mobile slant and focus, so if you need a recommendation I can provide several.

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