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Yay! It's on my calendar.

Lisa Stone

Right on Jenny! And my apologies to everyone for yesterday's site snafu. We're back up and running...


i'm a comin' as well. :-)


I've already informed the family I'm a-coming.


I already requested days off from work. My boss congratulated me for planning ahead, but I couldn't tell if she was serious or mocking me.

Lisa Stone

JenB, Donna, Skye, that's terrific! Hall passes all around. I'm really looking forward to seeing you all again.

Sour Duck

Two days is both daunting and exciting! When will more details be released? Who is lined up? Etc.

I wrote about your post, but I'm afraid I was receiving trackback problems, so I couldn't use your trackback, although I see someone else has managed it...

I understand that in the old days when people didn't have trackback they'd post their urls in the comments section. ;)



Damn. Any chance there will be a change in dates?? That last weekend in July will kill me and again make it so I cannot attend. For the same reason as last year, it falls when my younger son's birthday is. If it remains always the last Friday/Saturday in July, as much as I would love to attend, I will have to miss out. And I get very moody when I can't get my way. :)

Erica Olsen

Woot. Sounds fun. I'm sorry I missed the last one. I remember days in the early web when I was dying for some other women to e-hang with.


So glad to hear we're doing it again! Looking forward to it.

Maegan la Mala

Very cool. Any thoughts on having a workshop for/on/about blogger mujeres of color

Elisa Camahort

We will be calling for submissions of all sorts. We're hoping that Day 2 of the conference is pretty much entirely programmed by BlogHers out there, like our "Room of Your Own"s this year. So I hope maybe you'll pull together you and some blog buddies to propose a blogger mujeres session :)

Bake Town

Yea! I can't wait! Thanks for all your hard work!


Well, if Bake Town is going, then I'm going. :)

Thanks, Elisa/Jory/Lisa. Looking forward to it.


I'll definitely be there and promise to leave my passport at home next year. ;-)

Is there a BlogHer '06 Blog badge? I would love to put it up next to the "Went" badge.

Two days is gonna be awesome...more time to meet and chat with my fav BlogHers and discover new ones.


So would camping out now fall under the "too eager" category?

I am SO going to be there!


One or both of us from Moxie might be interested in attending. That is, if this is a forum that is interested a couple of female bloggers who run a web-based business. :) We both have blogs, met via blogs, created Moxie because of blogs and are now successful (we think!) business women because of blogs.

Who knew? :)

Elisa Camahort

Hmmm... sounds like you two might be in our demographic ;)

I added your personal blog to our BlogHerRoll, but FYI Bloglines couldn't find a feed associated with your Moxie blog, and there's no link I could see on that one.

Kathryn, The Daring One

Some friends and I (real life and blogging) are rallying support for a trip down there for the conference. I'm excited to hear as more details are decided.

I was wondering how I could go about being added to your blogroll? Do I just have to prove that I blog and that I'm a her or do I also have to prove that I gots skeelz? Let me know.

Elisa Camahort

Feed added Kathryn. We'll see you at BlogHer :)


YAHOO!!! I will get there I will get there I will get there I will get there.....


This time, I'm going for sure. How could I miss out on meeting jenB when she'll be so very very close? Well, in the same country at least.


I think I've just decided to start my U.S. trip next year with BlogHer - aaaargh!

Josie Fraser

V. cool & will make every effort to attend/speak next year. I commented in before about running a Euro BlogHer - maybe in the late autum of 2006? I'd like to hook up with any other euro based women who are up for this. You can contact me via the blog! Cheers.


Yes, please bring the conference to the east coast if possible! I really want to go to the BlogHer conference in 2006, but I might not be able to trek all the way to SF (though I would love to!)

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