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Sour Duck

Good one.

Gisela Strauss

Let's DO it!


I am a Swedish blogger and I am working also with blogs in my job as webmaster for The Swedish Trade Union. I am going to try to persuade my employer to let me go to Blog her 06, I think it is possible I will come there.
I have a question: Is is possible to get my blog in your list of blogs in the left column?

Elisa Camahort

Hi Chadie. We hope you can make it! We already added your workersdojo blog after your last request. It's in alphabetical order, so it's down near the bottom, but it's there...right under my own Worker Bees Blog :)


Thank you Elisa. I hope to see you in July.


How do I get my blog posted to the list? Please let me know. Thanks!


I am new to the blogger realm. I write a daily blog for BargainBetty.com - specifically the blog for deals I find at SmartBargains.com.

BargainBetty.com is a company dedicated to improving the online shopping experience for women. It is best to think of BargainBetty.com as your online personal shopper who has gone through all the “bargain basement” bins and sifted through all the coupons and found the best of the best for shopping online.

How do I get my blog listed on your site?




would LOVE to know how to get involved with the most fabulous women on the internet. ;)

Elisa Camahort

Oh, you're on our BlogHerRoll now Sarcomical, whether you like it or not! Plus I had to personally subscribe since you are an Imogen Heap fan.


oh, i like it! ;)

thanks, and can't wait to see what happens this year!


p.s. how do i get a button for my site?

okay, i'm leaving now. no more hogging the comments. *slapping hand*

Nancy Nehlsen

Hello Blogher! Looking forward to being a part of the org. Here's one for the "seasoned" women! http://wellpast50.blogs.com

Elisa Camahort

Awesome Nancy...you're added to the BlogHerRoll.


Hi! I'm from Hamilton Ontario and I'll be attending BlogHer this year! I am so excited that I keep leaving little puddles everywhere and it's only January!

Throw me to the blogroll!

Dr. Free-Ride

Do you all have any kind of eye out for the women who blog primarily about science (or being a scientist)? I do, in my stumbling-upon-sites kinda way, but y'all may have better connections than I do ...


You gals are awesome!

My personal blog is already part of the blogheroll, but I thought I'd offer up my soup blog project as well. I don't know if that's against blogher rules or what... but at least they're two completely different endeavors. It's in its infancy and it's done with another friend of mine. We're two girls who looove soup.

and... yes, Imogen Heap rocks!

Nancy Mills

Hello Bloghers....

Near and far. Love your site and your mission and your goals, and the whole she-bang.

Hi, I'm Nancy Mills, I'm the Creator of the Spirited Woman Approach to Life. I've created a blog-centric website (all on Typepad).

I would LOVE to have our site on your BlogHerRoll. How do I accomplish that?

I've figured out how to put the Blogherroll in my sidebar - I'd just like to put it up after my site is on the list.

Can someone e-mail me and let me know how to proceed? And while you're at it - I welcome you to visit the world of spirited womanhood.

Now, I want you to stand up in front of your computer and shout, "I Am A Spirited Woman." Because you are!

Thanks so muuch for your response. And much continued success.

Nancy Mills

Elisa Camahort

Adrienne and Nancy: you are added.

Elisa Camahort

Adrienne: I take it back. Your atom feed doesn't seem to be working, and I couldn't find another feed URL for graciousbowl. So right now it's not on the blogherroll, but I'm happy to add it if you can provide the proper feed URL.


Hi Elisa.

I think I've fixed my feed. You should be able to view it at:


Please let me know if you have any other problems. Thanks a lot!


Very excited to find Blogher! I would love to be added to the roll.



Just discovered this community. Wow! No way I'll be able to make it to BlogHer '06, but maybe BlogHer '07. Since everyone else asked so nicely, I figured I would ask as well: any way to add my blog to this awesome blogroll as well? My blog, Belly Tales, is a student midwife/ feminist/ women's health blog, which has sucked up an enormous amount of my time, but is something I've really come to enjoy.

Keep up the awesome work, can't wait to see what else you gals do over here. :-)

Alana Morales

I love this!
I know everyone asks this, but how do I get added? I am going to look into BlogHer 06 - it's only a state away!
Keep up the good work!


I'm from San Francisco, California. I blog about thoughts, dreams, updates, news, and more...

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