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Koan Bremner

For the avoidance of *any* doubt... the "feast for your eyes" that I was referring to was Grace Davis on KRON-TV, http://gracedavis.typepad.com/i_am_dr_lauras_worst_nigh/2005/09/proof_that_i_sh.html

Lisa Stone

Then in the spirit of full disclosure I confess that I snagged the headline (with appropriate attribution) because I am feasting my eyes on all ya'll...

Koan Bremner

Ah, well, that's grand, then! :-)

(I just didn't want anybody getting the idea that I was being vain - an oil painting I am not, and I know it. Why else am I a podcaster and *not* a videoblogger?)


I have a photoset
of the Audio and Video Blogging session that has most of the webpages and slides which were shown (though the video images are first in the set then the podcasting).

Christopher Klemm

I really appreciated the information here. I don't know where all the women bloggers are either but conferences like blogher will help get the exposure for women bloggers, for sure. Very good discussions about pod and video casting!

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