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Oooo, that makes me happy!

Thanks, Jacqueline!!!


Another suggestion, you could also add a link to this post "Add the BlogHerRoll to your blog" at the top of the BlogHerRoll with "Newsfeeds from Bloghers". More people will be aware of the option that way, especially after this post drops off the front page.

Elisa Camahort



Thanks for the tips! It worked like a charm.


Hi, I added the blogroll too. Just one problem. When I view it in a text size larger than "small", the format is too broad and the sidebar falls down under the main bar. Tried tampering with the size but it doesn't work. Help!


Tish G

Must we add the blogroll to our own blogs before getting listed on it? Just wondering :-)

Elisa Camahort

No, not at all Tish. I haven't given Lisa the new blogs to add since I started working off the waiting list.

I'll send her a batch tonight. Sorry.


i am really interested to know how i can get anina.net on the blogher roll...i am attending the conference and so i was wondering how to get my blog on the list to the left.

Elisa Camahort

Thanks for the nudge Anina. We'll get it up there tomorrow.

Lisa Stone

Hi Anina, Elisa,

Actually it was already there! See Lifeblog.Anina.net under "More BlogHerRoll" and you're also in the Bloglines Anina. Looking forward to meeting you.

mobile jones

I tried to use the javascript in the Name field of a Type List on Typepad and received an error msg. that complained about too many chars.

It said that the Name field must be less than 50 chars. Anyone else having this problem?

Elisa Camahort

Did you use a 'Link' type of TypeList? Because you put the script in the "Link Title" field, not a "Name" field.

mobile jones

Elisa, good catch. Nope I didn't use the Link type.


Jennifer Warwick

I am attending the conference and also wondered how to get my blog, the New Charm School, on the list on the left...I know you must be swamped, and I can't wait to meet the women who worked so hard to put this all together! Thanks for all you have done.


My blog's not there either ... Blither, Blather, Bloviate - http://www.lunisea.com/blather

(note new name and URL)


Lisa Stone

Hi Stephanie -

I added Blather to the More BlogHerRoll on July 17, but it appears that I used the wrong URL: http://www.lunisea.com/school/blather.html. I've updated it. Thanks.

Lisa Stone

Stephanie, I've also updated the name to "Blither Blather Bloviate" rather than the single word "Blather."

Lisa Stone

Hi Jennifer,

You're added!

Emma Smith

Okay. I'm an addict now. I can't stop reading blogs.
Just one question... how does a girl go about getting her blog listed on the BlogHerRoll?

Elisa Camahort

By asking here :)

We'll add it, but forgive us if it doesn't get added until after Saturday...things are craazzzzy right now.

Of course Lisa Stone (who's been owning the BlogHer Roll) never sleeps, so maybe she'll beat my prediction.

Underpromise and overdeliver, you know?


I'd love to have my blog listed on the BlogHerRoll - is it possible to add my blog to the BlogHerRoll list? I'll add the roll to my sidebar at my next post. Perhaps too, I can make it across the country to attend the conference next year! :)

Title: "Every Window-An Adult Survivor Speaks"

Url: http://www.women-with-attitude.com/wwa/everywindow/index3.html

Wishing you all great success!

Elisa Camahort

Look for it, but probably after the conference!


Please, might you add moi to the list of ladies putting their hands up for BlogHer blogroll inclusion?

So you know - I'm a modern miss, writing about television: reviews, raucous rants etc. Though I'm not usually that alliterative. My blog's called "Long Plastic Hallway", and can be found at http://longplastichallway.blogspot.com

Hope you have a wonderful conference - sending you bloggy girlpower vibes!

xx teletart


I'd love to be added to the blog roll, and I'll ad the link to my site asap. great conference!


I was wondering if I could get my blog added to the BlogHer blogroll after the conference? The title is The Girl Next Door and the url is www.kissmegreeneyes2.com/blog

Also, has anyone using WordPress tried to add the blogroll to their site? I'm going to attempt it this weekend and was wodnering if there were any problems.

Thanks! Hope yall have a great conference!

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