Having a fun little conversation over at the Digital Common Sense blog with blogger Ken Camp and friends. They dared me to send you on over to the little .wav file entitled "The Man Song" over at Ken's site. Never. Dare. Me.
Ken is a man who gets it.
As is, in a more serious way, Jon Garfunkel from Civilities.net.
And as long as we're on humor, and this is a woman-focused effort, let me close with The Adnostic's vision of BlogHer activities. Lauren's comments are down, other wise I would have chimed in and agreed that I can't wait for the lingerie-clad pillowfights either!
Now, back to our regular programming.
...just spent some time over at Ken's blog and had a great time. Thanks for the link.
Posted by: Mary | April 22, 2005 at 05:54 AM
I do expect the pillow fight video to be available online. Live streaming would be nice too. ROFLMAO!!
Actually. what I appreciate most is the openness and humor that some of us can share while those who don't get it will just never get it.
Posted by: Ken Camp | April 22, 2005 at 09:20 AM
I hope those categories aren't mutually exclusive! Lest I be seen as some humorless chump...
After I researched and wrote Promoting Women Bloggers,
I had some fun assembling together Bloggers from the A-List to the Z-List...
and unfortunately everybody couldn't be on top. :-)
Posted by: Jon Garfunkel | April 22, 2005 at 02:52 PM
Ah man, that means I need to go shopping for just the right "clothes" to wear to the pillow fight. Anybody hiring? Apparently Auntie needs some new clothes!
Posted by: Stephanie | April 22, 2005 at 02:53 PM
Hey Jon I think I called you once a blogger with a healthy sense of humor...I'm remembering now you corrected me on the "blogger" part, not the "sense of humor" part!
My bad.
Posted by: Elisa Camahort | April 22, 2005 at 05:08 PM
Ah yes, Elisa, you're so right. There's nothing like a man who understands That Thing You're Going Through.
Seriously, thanks Ken, Jon, Tony, Jeff, Chris, Matt, Robin, and all the other guys who have come out of the, um, woodwork to help us pull this together.
Posted by: Lisa Stone | April 22, 2005 at 05:36 PM
My comments are up again! I'm really new to this and I made a small technical error. All fixed. I swear.
I also promised Ms. Jen that I would never delete anything from my SQL server ever again.
Posted by: Lauren Isaacson | April 22, 2005 at 09:52 PM
hmmm... In the 2.4573 years as The Adnostic's housemate, I have yet to see a pillowfight erupt. BlogHer may yet be the impetus.
A gallon of Sangria, yes, pillowfight, no.
Posted by: Ms. Jen | April 22, 2005 at 09:55 PM
A gallon of sangria should result in one of two things. The tango into the wee small hours of the morning, or a scantily clad pillow fight. If not one or the other, what could be the point of the sangria. And since all the real manly men won't be able to come tango, I expect you gals are going to be dancing one way or the other. ;-)
Posted by: Ken Camp | April 22, 2005 at 11:14 PM
A gallon of sangria usually results in bad bowling...
smiles, jen ;o)
Posted by: Ms. Jen | April 24, 2005 at 07:42 PM
I can't use sangria as an excuse for bad bowling.
Posted by: Stephanie | April 24, 2005 at 10:12 PM
Um. There's just no excuse for bowling.
Posted by: Elisa Camahort | April 24, 2005 at 10:15 PM
The you are unaware of the magical drunken chaos that is Punk Rock Bowling.
Posted by: Lauren | April 25, 2005 at 10:45 AM
Elisa, I'm so glad to see that you can be wrong about something. Be warned: You have a bowling date with me in your futures, hopefully a double-date with Lauren and Jen...
Posted by: Lisa Stone | April 25, 2005 at 03:12 PM
While I appreciate the idea of BlogHer is to create stronger relationships between women and to hear women's voices, is there any chance that we could avoid universalising comments on 'men' while it's happening? It shouldn't be a surprise that many men are pro-feminist, or keen to try and reassemble the world in more equitable ways. And that goes for straight men just as much as it goes for gay men, christians as much as muslims, female-to-male trans men etc. etc. I think it would make the whole event much less open to resistance and much more inclusive just to make it clear that it's not about using the same tactics that misogynists have used for years - ie. characterising half the population in one way by dint of their self-perceived or biological gender. Surely there's a space for a pro-woman rhetoric that gets past the need to put down other people that characterised hetero-orthodox patriarchy?
Posted by: Tom Coates | April 26, 2005 at 06:14 AM
Tom: Thanks for writing. The short answer is "yes." BlogHer's motivation is pro-women, not anti-men, and we've been emphasizing that message not only on this site, but in the interviews/podcasts that cohort Lisa and I have done.
I wanted to give a specific shout-out to the men out there in the community who are supporting BlogHer, lest people think that our inclusive words were only talk. (And I also wanted to confirm that we can all have senses of humor about ourselves...men and women...as Ken demonstrates by posting the Man Song and Lauren demonstrates by promising pillowfights.)
And I thought it was worth avoiding careful, neutered "people" talk and specifically saying, hey, here are some cool "men."
Posted by: Elisa Camahort | April 26, 2005 at 07:00 AM
Tom, I agree with you that we should avoid dissing men while promoting womens' voices--and I believe that it is necessary to affirm all things HUMAN online: the good, the bad, the ugly. And the funny. I also think the context of this post (tagged in the "Humor" category, and started by a man -- Ken -- on his weblog as poking good fun at his gender) should be considered. This really seems to be an instance of tackling a sticky subject using humor.
Posted by: jeneane | April 26, 2005 at 03:53 PM