As many of you know, the BlogHer team has been rattling cages all over the bloghersphere in preparation for this Sunday's announcement of the BlogHer Conference '05 schedule of events.
Watch this space for the full agenda (except, of course, for the Room Of Your Own track, where you're firmly in charge). Find out:
- What major bloghers have signed up to speak--but not on the topics you might expect
- What even the most seasoned and techno-savvy bloggers will have the opportunity to learn and discuss
- Why you should really plan to stay over or stay late on Saturday night (Hint: You could have 200 +/- dates and we look good)
So stay tuned, get ready to register and watch this space.
200+ dates? Wait! I am not allowed to date. And I mean I am bringing Denise so all those lonesome women trawling for husbands left alone don't end up in her bed whilst I am away but maybe bringing her is out of the frying pan into the fire. ;-) (completely tongue in cheek because while I will be accompanied by Denise and she doesn't allow me to date, I definitely can't be said to be bringing her or umm doing so to keep her out of trouble. However, she might think she can keep me out of trouble.)
Posted by: TW | February 07, 2006 at 12:40 PM