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Lisa Stone aka Surfette

Right on, Liza, you say it so well: "BlogSheroes, a culturekitchen and Nichelle Newsletter initiative, is partnering up with BlogHer to bring meetups and social events for women bloggers. It's and opportunity to plug, promote, pitch and bitch our practices and projects; to have a monthly "analog" place to meet, socialize and network."

Emphasis on network--a social network. This week, after lengthy conversations with Liza about her and Nichelle's vision, with the team, and after terrific input from Debi Jones, danah boyd and so many of you, we've decided to pull your requests for a public wiki and message boards together into a single social network for bloggers. So stay tuned--we'll be back at you by week's end with an update on our joint solution to meeting, socializing and networking online.

BlogSheroes' Sunday night extravaganza looks like a must for right-coasters lucky enough to make their way to Madame X's joint. Please, when you post about it Monday, trackback here so that we can read about what we left-coasters missed!

Unless I get lucky somehow: I'm off to try to figure out a way to spirit myself to Manhattan for Sunday night...that invisible plane is so hard to find with all these Legos to step over...


Looking forward to that site, Nichelle!

liza sabater

Check out the pix! I particularly like Professor B's ...

c u l t u r e k i t c h e n: Blog Sheroes Meetup : The Hungover Edition

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